Myralynn Ballon

Beauty, Style & Grace

Myralynn Ballon is a Beloved Wife, a Mother of 3, an Educator, Disability & Mental Health Advocate, Chronic Pain Warrior, Make-Up Artist, Motivational Speaker, Healer, Humanitarian & Lover of all Things & has received an anointed calling from above to do God’s Work of Spreading Nothing but LOVE, LIGHT & JOY around the world.
She is a survivor of many trials & tribulations such as multiple suicide attempts & has experienced 2 hospitalizations. She has battled severe depression, PTSD, anxiety, physical disabilities due to a traumatic fall after delivering her first born child, which changed her physical life tremendously, alongside has experienced 3 miscarriages & experienced years of group & individual therapy during her healing process.
Myralynn’s purpose & mission in her life is to help bring Heaven down to earth, as a vessel of Love, Light & Joy; to help guide all souls around the world back home safe under the shadow of God’s wings.
We can all be the change we wish to see in the World. And I know it is possible, as I went through my own personal transformation when I fully surrendered to the Lord, laid down my life for Him & received the Holy Spirit, now living a New Life with Christ.
The change begins within each of us deep within our souls. When our hearts, minds, souls & spirits are purely aligned with nothing but LOVE, you will truly experience what I see & feel each waking day, “Living Life Heaven on Earth, Living Life in my Destiny with Jesus!”
May God’s Peace Be With You Everywhere He Leads You!
Beauty, Style & Grace
30 Minutes