Pastor Erica L Morton

The Worship Room Pastor Erica L Morton </h1 > The Worship Room is a place where you can find peace, encouragement, and inspiration through worship…

DeAnn Alaine

Modwash Moments with DeAnn Alaine DeAnn Alaine DeAnn is a musical comedienne with a mandate from the Lord to bring joy to the world. Fade…

Valerie Burrell

Empower Me with Dr. V Valerie Burrell </h1 > Valerie Burrell is a passionate servant leader who focuses on empowering women through the teaching of…

Teresa McGarry

Financial Fix Teresa McGarry </h1 > Teresa McGarry is very active in her community and helping those who want to make a better life for…

Tawny Austin

The Kindred Movement Tawny Austin </h1 > Hi, I’m Tawny! I’m a global-minded girl with a passion for ending poverty, human trafficking, & keeping mamas…

Sable Horton

Shades of Beauty Sable Horton My name is Sable Horton and I am a Bay Area native, entrepreneur, speaker, writer, dancer/performer, activist, a social change…

Pastor Erica L Morton

Praying with Pastor Erica Pastor Erica L Morton About Pastor EricaPastor Erica is a passionate and dedicated minister who is committed to helping others grow…

Myralynn Ballon

Beauty, Style & Grace Myralynn Ballon </h1 > Myralynn Ballon is a Beloved Wife, a Mother of 3, an Educator, Disability & Mental Health Advocate,…

Michele Snyder

Bullseye Nuclear Michele Snyder Michele Snyder is the Founder/Chief Executive Officer of Empowered to Change International, Inc. Empowered to Change International, Inc. is a community-based…

Lisa Hooks

Power Fueled Living Lisa Hooks Lisa loves the Lord and sharing God’s love with others! She is an ordained minister and facilitates deliverance and restoration…